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类型:动画  日本 2008




Small J Field, Xiaoqing and Chiaki, after experiencing a lot of difficulties, Qian Chaozhen and Yeda Hui finally got rid of the terror machine illness, one through the entrance examination, and they came to the sacred place of classical music. Europe. Yeda, who came to Europe, feels fresh about everything, new environment, new apartments, and the most happy thing for Yeta is that she can finally be with her favorite Qianqiu! However, everything is not as good as Yeda imagined. Qian Chaozhen has achieved great success in the International Conducting Competition and has attracted the attention of major authoritative media. The problem is that Yeda has to overcome many problems. There are different languages, new schools, various high hands, and Qianqiu. The loneliness that Yeda felt in the strange country, and even more dangerous, a genius pianist also fell in love with Qian Chaozhen. Yeda, who was frustrated, also encountered a bottleneck on the piano. This film was adapted from the manga of the same name by the manga artist Er Gong Gong and is the second in the animation series.

《交响情人梦巴黎篇》由川澄绫子 关智一 松风雅也 大原沙耶香 伊藤静 浅沼晋太郎 等主演,今千秋 山口祐司 铃木洋平 高岛大辅 岛崎奈奈子 太田知章 上田繁 导演的动画...
